Today, MBSCC is known as a community development organization with over 40 years of experience providing needed services to South Bronx residents, i.e. children, youth, adults, and seniors. We have achieved this through a variety of programs: an exemplary Head Start, Day Care, and Pre-K program educating 750 children; Youth Programming and Education Services includes an after-school, summer camp, arts enrichment, Saturday Studio Project, youth employment and educational programs; Workforce Development, vocational educational program, school-to-work programs; Social Services, Senior Care Services, Home Delivered Meals, nutrition programs, individual case management. MBSCC continues to develop and manage over 1100 units of affordable housing. MBSCC serve over 15,000 unique individuals annually. While doing this, we continue to also manage Meal on Wheals, Transportation, Home Care, and Senior Center Services.
MBSCC recent accomplishments include: awarded the significant expansion of childcare programs from 200 to over 790 children; awarded a neighborhood senior center serving over 140 seniors daily; organized and sponsored 161st Business Improvement District that was signed into law; awarded a home delivered meals contract serving over 700 seniors daily; the launch of the Andrew Freedman Complex Initiatives, including the Cultural Arts and Media Center (which has received rave reviews and brought thousands of visitors, admirers and artists to the Andrew Freedman Home);