Mid Bronx Senior Citizen Council, Inc. Adult and Family Services provide comprehensive services to families and individuals within community district 4. We are a staffed by the Director of Social Services, a Licensed Social Worker (LSMW) and the Assistant Director/Recovery Counselor who is extremely knowledgeable around alcohol and drugs issues. The program was design to serve tenants from the Ogden, Plimpton, Summit, Morris and Grand Concourse East apartments, as well the community at large. It is extremely important to note that The Adult and Family Services have offered critical support to these families, during these difficult economic times where tenants/clients are looking for a quick solution and someone to listen to their crisis, needs and situations.
Through our collaboration with MBSCC housing Department, job resource, Head Start, early learning, GES/ESL, food pantry, volunteer, computer classes and tax preparation programs, the adult and family services have played a major role in providing comprehensive services to this community.
The internal programs at MBSCC have supported this program thru our agency’s referral process, not to mention the referrals that we receive from the community at large. We have assisted and been a part of interdisciplinary team meetings for the head start program, and worked with families from both job resource and early learning. Our social service program is known in the community, we can tell by the volume of calls we receive daily and the number of walk-ins that visit our center daily. Within our services we provide a recovery group, women and men’s support group and individual counseling.
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